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    Space Available

    Posted in: NASSAUSUFFOLK

    Our friends at CMIT have moved into their permanent home in Massapequa - they have space available for rent on the ground floor of the building. A NCCPAP member and some investment/insurance professionals occupied the space previously, and their departure ...

  • Posted in: NASSAUSUFFOLK

    I don't know if this is the best practice, but it has worked for me for over 10yrs without any notices. What I do, is to report SSDI as usual and if there is a taxable portion then I will reverse the taxable portion on Form 1040, Schedule 1, Line 8z Other ...

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    RE: Form nyc 1127

    Posted in: NASSAUSUFFOLK

    It is my understanding the Husband (1127 employee) is taxed on all of his income as if he is a NYC Resident. Therefore, his second job in the city is also taxed. When filing MFS the only income that you back out is only income that pertains to his ...

  • Posted in: NASSAUSUFFOLK

    Is the credit card processing fee that a client pays when making a charitable contribution considered part of the charitable contribution? The charity listed the credit card processing fee separately on the statement. Ruth Ruth A. Sattig Betz, ...


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